Derek loves going to the job when Uncle Samuel is there. He keeps informing us he wants to be a carpenter when he grows up!

The children were burning trash.... and having fun with a cardboard roll that made the perfect smoke stack.

Steve & Shawn putting T-Veck back on the house after strong winds had blown the first batch off. We are finding that we built at a very windy location!


Elson doing some plumbing. ( I think! I dont know all the diff pipes apart! lol)

Installing doors and windows. So much fun watching those get put in!! Simon putting in the back patio door in the dining room.

Simon & Titus installing the small octagon window in the pantry.

Karilee looking out her bedroom dormer window. Looking towards the road....and all the dirt piles beside the lane.

A siding crew from Ohio .......now its really starting to look cozy! They do amazing work an dhad the house completly sided in a day and half!

We have been SO blessed with wonderfuly mild weather to get the house done on the inside. Windows & doors installed....siding on... now it can snow!