December 27 marked one year since the painful day we needed to say goodby to our beloved son and brother. How can it be a year already? Jadrian you are still so alive in our hearts and home that it really only feels like yesterday. We all miss you so much!
It all happened so fast....
When I see this picture it speaks of a thousand thoughts. Way too many to write, not that I even could put into words. They are very deep, private words to God.....the only one who understand when grief is too deep for words.
This picture also speaks of unconditional love, because thats what we felt for you Jadrian. A very deep protective, feirce kind of love. A love that hurts.

No parent ever wants to be told by the doctors that they have done everything possible for your child but there is nothing more they can do. we always knew Jadrian was in God's hands, but we have been forever grateful for the expertise of the skilled doctors that did so much for Jadrian. But they are only human...Today Jadrian needed something only God could give him. A new heart!

We never could have imagined the pain of knowing we were needing to let go ..... we had cared for you 24/7. You were part of us, part of mommy & daddy and now it felt like part of us was being torn away. We never wanted to let go!!
But even in our terrible pain, Jesus was there! His presence carried mommy & daddy and He caught every tear and felt our pain. He gave us grace...He gave comfort...and a gave super natural peace. We knew Jesus was waiting to welcome you into His arms, and your tired worn body was going to be restored!
It was a sacred morning in that room. Mommy & Daddy held you for hours. We cried a lot. We sang to you and told you that it was OK, Jesus was waiting for you and He was going to give you a brand new body. No more doctors and IV pokes for you. We told you a hundred times over how much we loved you and how we would miss you.

We caressed & snuggled your warm body. treasuring every detail of your sweet body. Your blond hair that always wanted to stand up on top. Your chubby cheeks. Your hands..ah, those darling soft hands! we couldnt stop squeezing them.
We felt your heart beat become weaker and weaker. It was as if we could feel the angels in the room waiting to transport you to glory! You left this earthly world so peacefuly. Mommy & daddy were so honored to be holding you when Jesus took you from our arms into His. We can ONLY IMAGINE what that reunion was like!!

December 27, 2011 was a very hard dreary day for all of us. every thing felt sad and it was hard to choose joy. We all bundled up and spent some time at your grave. We watched all the home movies we have of you. We were amazed all over again what a warrior you really were! Today we choose to celebrate the time we had with you here and all the precious memories you left. And we celebrate your new body and JOY in heaven. See you soon buddy.

Karilee & Derek love visiting your grave! even though it was cold and frozen they ran around and found dead frozen flowers and pine needles to decorate with. Karilee took off her scarf and used it to make a ribbon.

Uncle Titus brought us this beautiful fruit boquet from him, Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Aarons. They probably have no idea how much it means to us to know they remembered! Thanks guys!

Uncle Reuben & Aunt Carmen brought us these lovely flowers and a very meaningful card where Carmen wrote a sweet memory of you. That ment so much to us!

Thankyou to everyone who remembered us with a phone call, text or prayer that day!
Life is changed.....not taken away.