Our I800 (immigrations) is approved and our DS260 is completed. We have officially completed ALL the Hague paperwork on our end of the process.
The next step will take place in China between the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou and the China Center for Childrens Welfare & Adoptions (CCCWA) in Beijing.
Once our paperwork is submitted to the consulate (the DS260 we just sent off), it will take the consulate 10 business days to issue our Article 5 (approval). Once the Article 5 is submitted to the CCCWA, it takes about 2-4 wks for the travel Approval to be issued. And then we will travel 2-4 wks after that.
At the EARLIEST we could be traveling the last week of March!! But more likely would be the middle of April. We will be leaving the US on one of the Wednesdays in April! It's feeling so close! The children & I want to make a count down!!!
It is such a comfort and reassurance to know that Jesus will hold YOU, and US, as we walk this new pathway. Sometimes we feel afraid....how will this all work out? DO we really have what it takes to bring healing and restoration to a dear child's heart. Will we have enough patience...long suffering.....
BUT GOD!!!.......Yes, He always reminds us that it's not about US. It's ALL about HIM. AH, thank you Jesus. We are your hands and your feet. Your willing servants. But it is YOUR LIFE, YOUR LOVE that will heal and restore.
~~~~So honored to be HIS Love "with skin on"~~~~~~~