If you could peak into our home right now, you would see most of us gathered around the kitchen island eating cold cereal. Nothing unusual about that, until you see the time. It's 4:30 am!! And we've been up an hour or more already.
Frustrating jet lag!! Wish there was a way to skip over that part! Steve & I haven't allowed ourselves any naps during the day so we could sleep all night. Only problem has been, we could sleep, but it's the toddlers who wake up at 1 am sounding as chirpy as a spring robin! Last night was so miserable... with us trying to convince them to go back to sleep, giving them sleep aid, they fussed and cried, tossing n turning (between us, to boot!) making us feel smothered like smooshed pancakes. It made me feel so grumpy! As long as we were focusing on going back to sleep we felt cross at them for preventing us, and the last thing the sweet littles need is cross parents, so this morning when the little roosters crowed we decided to rise and shine with them.
I will put on some coffee soon....and we'll see how this Sunday unfolds. Maybe by lunch we'll all be ready for a nap. Regardless, We are ALL SO HAPPY to be home! It was a hard grueling ride home, with delays on every flight and then in Chicago we missed our flight home to Watertown. Thankfully we were able to catch a flight into Syracuse about 2 hrs later. I was SO done with planes & airports till then! Steve's family picked us up at the airport and dropped us off at the Watertown airport where our van had been parked. Got to our house at 1 am and to bed by 2 am.
I dont think home ever looked so inviting before! As excited as we were about being home, and as much as we felt like touring through the whole house, we tried to stay low key to keep the toddlers from getting all stimulated. It partly worked! Hitting the shower was top on my list of priorities!
Javonn has been adapting well to his new surroundings. He's been busy exploring! I am finding stickers all over the house, on the tile, frig, windows etc! You dont even have to wonder who put them there! It's been a challenge getting him to eat. He often refuses what we are eating and I start worrying that he's going to starve. But as long as we keep a stock of gold fish crackers around, that wont happen. lol
Kianna is starting to come out of her angry little shell since we are home. She loves being home in her familiar surroundings, away from prodding hands and camera snaps, and is starting to see her new brother as a potential fun play mate, I do believe.
Well, I just wanted to let you know we are home. I can tell my life will be super busy with my little energetic twins, but I will try to update occasionally.
Need to go put on that coffee now..... ((yawn!!))
Final Day in China!!
We spent our last full day in China at a huge animal safari. It was drizzling most of the day...the strollers got wet, but we all had a lot of fun!
Derek & Karilee loved having a chance to sit on an elephant! They had an awesome elephant, monkey and safari animal shows. It was amazing!! Such a good way to end our trip! |
Now we are packing up our room for the LONG journey home!!
A bell boy will come to our room at 6 am to pick up our luggage. The hotel is sending breakfast boxes with us as we will check out and leave the hotel by 6:15.
Our flight leaves at 9 am and we have a 2 1/2 hr flight to Shanghai.
At Shanghai we have a 4 1/2 hr layover. Seem's kind of long, but we may be glad...we will need to collect our baggage then go to American Airlines and recheck it in there. Go through international security and maybe grab a bite to eat before we board our long flight.
American Airlines leaves at 4:20..... a 13 hr flight. Praying for the best with 2 toddlers. |
Arrive in Chicago around 4:40 pm. Claim our luggage & go through Immigration's. (Javonn becomes US citizen!)
6:30 pm leave for Watertown, NY! Woo-Hoo!!!!! In Chicago we will part ways with Aunt Ruth and she will fly on to OH.
It makes me tired just thinking of the trip, but we are so ready to be home, we are ready to embrace the long trip for the joy that awaits at the end!
Thank you so much for praying for us on this trip, it ment so much to us!
Tuesday~~ April 22
This morning we had our consulate appointment at the US Consulate. Only Steve, Javonn & I were allowed in. Our guide took us to the entrance then she took our camera etc and kept them with her while we went in. It was nice to be in an American office. The bathroom's were SO nice and american, you felt like using them just because they were so clean! After security we joined 11 other families to finalize our child's visa. One parent got finger-printed, we took an oath (as a group) and did a bit more paperwork. Javonn's visa will be ready tomorrow afternoon. Javonn will be a Chinese citizen until he is admitted into the US at his first port of entry, which will be in Chicago.
The US Consulate here in Guangzhou issues visa's in groups of 12 families twice a day Mon-Thur. The Consulate's Adopted Children's Immigrant Visa Unit is the Department of State's busiest adoption unit. US citizens have adopted over 66,000 children in China since 1999. In recent years the adoption of children considered to have special needs has increased and are now currently 80% of the case load.
This appointment is the last and final one! I observed a lot of tired parents. All the ones I talked to are good and ready to get home. It's a very intense week for everyone, and being in your own home environment couldn't look more appealing!! Even the LONG flight back dosent look daunting when home SWEET home is at the end of it!!! Today we said good by to the 3 families that were with us in our travel group with our adoption agency. They left to spend the night in Hong Kong where they will fly out of early in the morning. We will always remember and love these 3 special families and look forward to keeping in touch over the years and enjoy watching our Chinese treasures grow and thrive!
Since it was rainy today, it is rainy season here, we spent most of the day holed up in our room. We are all looking forward to going out to a local Chinese Restaurant our guide introduced us to last night. She went with us and helped us order. She picked out the dishes she thought we would like and we loved all of them except the one beef dish that she said was mild, was actually so spicy hot that we couldnt eat much. The fried rice was the best I've ever had!! Lots of little meats n veggies fried with it. It was our best eating out experience with Javonn. Maybe it was because he just woke from a nap, or because he really was hungry. But we left with no broken dishes and only a mild crying fit.
Yesterday afternoon we spent touring Shaimen Island. A lovely peaceful island where a bunch of old consulate buildings are. Tourists love to come take pictures and shop at little shops.
Now I said we went touring, I should say the others did some touring/shopping. Steve & I spent 99% of the time pacing the streets with 2 tired toddlers who needed naps (We left at 1 pm which is nap time) We had debated keeping one or both of the toddlers home, but it gets old staying at the hotel and we figured they would surely go to sleep on the bus ride there, or in the stroller. Wrong! The first shop we went to Javonn saw a toy he wanted and couldn't have so he threw a grand fit and pretty much cried/ screamed the rest of the after noon, with a few spots of peace every so often. I was close to tears myself. It is so stressful being in public with an angry child!! But someday Shao Bo will be an Amazing groomed young child who will have learned the joys of sweet obedience! Steve & I kept trading toddlers, because every time a new parent took him, he usually calmed down for a little bit. Anyway, we left the island with no souvenirs. Just glad to be back on the bus.....and extra grateful to God for the lovely dinner that ended the day on a happy note!
Tomorrow...our last full day here! We wanted to do something special for the children so we are taking them to the Animal Safari an hour from here. It is the largest Safari in Asia! They are so excited about it and looking forward to the elephant show, and to hopefully get a ride on an elephant! Hoping the weather will be nice and not rainy.
Javonn loves the song "Twinkle twinkle little star" and sings it along with us. It's so cute! I'm writing "Javonn" because he's really starting to feel like my Javonn :) , but we actually still mostly call him Shao Bo because that's what he responds too. He is attaching to us so well! He must think we live in a hotel! It will be fun to have him become familiar with our home. His first experience of living in a house with a mommy, daddy and siblings! I dont think he will be shy very long when he meets his new relatives and friends. He pretty much is friendly to anyone who is friendly to him!
I need to go. I think we will head outside soon. Karilee is the one not feeling good today. Hopefuly it's just a one day thing like it was for some of us others.
The US Consulate here in Guangzhou issues visa's in groups of 12 families twice a day Mon-Thur. The Consulate's Adopted Children's Immigrant Visa Unit is the Department of State's busiest adoption unit. US citizens have adopted over 66,000 children in China since 1999. In recent years the adoption of children considered to have special needs has increased and are now currently 80% of the case load.
This appointment is the last and final one! I observed a lot of tired parents. All the ones I talked to are good and ready to get home. It's a very intense week for everyone, and being in your own home environment couldn't look more appealing!! Even the LONG flight back dosent look daunting when home SWEET home is at the end of it!!! Today we said good by to the 3 families that were with us in our travel group with our adoption agency. They left to spend the night in Hong Kong where they will fly out of early in the morning. We will always remember and love these 3 special families and look forward to keeping in touch over the years and enjoy watching our Chinese treasures grow and thrive!
Since it was rainy today, it is rainy season here, we spent most of the day holed up in our room. We are all looking forward to going out to a local Chinese Restaurant our guide introduced us to last night. She went with us and helped us order. She picked out the dishes she thought we would like and we loved all of them except the one beef dish that she said was mild, was actually so spicy hot that we couldnt eat much. The fried rice was the best I've ever had!! Lots of little meats n veggies fried with it. It was our best eating out experience with Javonn. Maybe it was because he just woke from a nap, or because he really was hungry. But we left with no broken dishes and only a mild crying fit.
Yesterday afternoon we spent touring Shaimen Island. A lovely peaceful island where a bunch of old consulate buildings are. Tourists love to come take pictures and shop at little shops.
Now I said we went touring, I should say the others did some touring/shopping. Steve & I spent 99% of the time pacing the streets with 2 tired toddlers who needed naps (We left at 1 pm which is nap time) We had debated keeping one or both of the toddlers home, but it gets old staying at the hotel and we figured they would surely go to sleep on the bus ride there, or in the stroller. Wrong! The first shop we went to Javonn saw a toy he wanted and couldn't have so he threw a grand fit and pretty much cried/ screamed the rest of the after noon, with a few spots of peace every so often. I was close to tears myself. It is so stressful being in public with an angry child!! But someday Shao Bo will be an Amazing groomed young child who will have learned the joys of sweet obedience! Steve & I kept trading toddlers, because every time a new parent took him, he usually calmed down for a little bit. Anyway, we left the island with no souvenirs. Just glad to be back on the bus.....and extra grateful to God for the lovely dinner that ended the day on a happy note!
Tomorrow...our last full day here! We wanted to do something special for the children so we are taking them to the Animal Safari an hour from here. It is the largest Safari in Asia! They are so excited about it and looking forward to the elephant show, and to hopefully get a ride on an elephant! Hoping the weather will be nice and not rainy.
Javonn loves the song "Twinkle twinkle little star" and sings it along with us. It's so cute! I'm writing "Javonn" because he's really starting to feel like my Javonn :) , but we actually still mostly call him Shao Bo because that's what he responds too. He is attaching to us so well! He must think we live in a hotel! It will be fun to have him become familiar with our home. His first experience of living in a house with a mommy, daddy and siblings! I dont think he will be shy very long when he meets his new relatives and friends. He pretty much is friendly to anyone who is friendly to him!
I need to go. I think we will head outside soon. Karilee is the one not feeling good today. Hopefuly it's just a one day thing like it was for some of us others.
Monday ~~ April 20
Steve & I intentionally woke up early so we could go down to the breakfast buffet and have a little couple time before the rest of the crew got up. Refreshing to start the day together! The toddlers woke up soon after we returned. So we will help them get dressed & then take the second batch down for breakfast.
Yesterday we did some touring at a local art gallery. It was very humid and we could feel the sweat running! The children went swimming in the afternoon. They have a little kiddie pool for the toddlers to play in, which is nice!
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A welcome play area while we waited for our flight to Guangzhou. |
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This is what the tired parents did while the children ran off energy at the play area. |
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The famous bag of cheerios |
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The blue tape that helped distract on the plane ride. It ended up on his arms, legs and on daddy's arms. |
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At the medical exam.. |
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Our entire travel group |
In Guangzhou!!
We arrived at our hotel here in Guangzhou close to 1:00 am.......The process getting here was not exactly fun, but now that we have arrived we are so excited about being here in this beautiful part of China!!
Guangzhou (pronounced Gwong-Show) is a lovely tropical sourthern part of China. Beautiful palm trees, flower garden and greenery abound! I LOVE it! It's so much more restful than Xian, no honking horns & motorcycles. and much more family friendly here. I think we will just love love our time here. I'm so excited about it!
Yesterday morning, our last morning in Xian, it was rainy and cold. We were all so ready to get out of THAT hotel. the toddlers were cranky, and various ones were feeling sicky...tummy trouble that we guessed may have been from some street food we had the night before. Steve had a really bad head ache and as we looked at the agenda for the day we just looked at each other and said seriously, we have no idea how we are going to survive this day....EXCEPT for God! And you know what, at the end of the day, exhausted though we were we just wanted to worship God, because again, he was SO SO faithful and he gave each one in the family strength that we did not have at the beginning of the day. We were all so aware of God walking with us, and it was beautiful to see the older children aware of Jesus giving them strength!
It took a couple hours to get our room packed up and checked out. Javonn was crying and upset most of this time. We ate a hurried lunch then met our guide & group in the hotel lobby. Our guide gave us Javonns packet of paperwork that had been prepared during our stay in Xian and the paper work that we needed to move to the final stages.
We made a quick stop at the City Wall in Xian and some of the group got out to see it. Steve & I stayed in the bus since we each had a sleeping toddler and it was drizzly with rain. After that was a stop at the police station to pick up all the china babies chinese passports. And from there we drove an hour to the airport.
Till we arrived at the airport all the babies in the group were awake and getting fussy. Long lines to get our tickets....long lines to check in luggage...long lines to go through security. One of our suitcases needed a security check which took longer. All this time we are passing out the cheerios and goldfish crackers trying to quiet the toddlers. Javonn is throwing cheerios all over the place then screaming and thrashing if we try to stop him. Cleaning ladies keep coming with their little broom sweepers to clean up the crushed to powder mess. Lot's of people stare, and not exactly with friendly compassionate faces. I had this thought that I hope to never again judge "That MOM" you see in a grocery store with a loud unruly child. Show compassion, not disgust. You never know the reason. I sure felt like "that mom!" today!
Everyone down to Kianna got a thorough pat down. I had to hold her still because she was scared of the wand. I watched amused and some what holding my breath as dear Derek had to unload his pockets. I stood there having no idea what sort of treasures he may pull out as you never know what sticks n stones he may be hoarding in there!
Oh, once at the airport we found out our flight was delayed by an hour. After security, on the way to our gate we found a little kids play ground. That was a life saver for the children. A good distraction and to run of energy.
We sure prayed a lot about Javonn's first plane ride, and came armed with a back pack of entertainment. God answered those prayers and he did amazing! Glad it wasnt longer than 2 hrs though! Steve held him and kept constantly busy with masking tape that he used as stickers, trucks, cheerios etc. He was so exhausted but fought to stay awake. It was a weird set up in Guanzhou. Once landed on the run way, the plane taxied for probably 15 minutes then stopped kinda out in no where. We walked off the plane into 77 degrees and humid! We had to jump on a crowded shuttle bus (Around 11:00) and it was half an hour till we got to the terminal. Waited awhile on our luggage then met our new guide and hopped on a new bus for the 40 min ride to the hotel. Javonn didnt go to sleep until we were on the bus to the hotel! We all collapsed into bed around 1 am. But like I mentioned....dispite the hardness, We totally felt God's GRACE to stay calm and to be strong for everyone. How often I thought of "When I am weak, God is Strong!"
We are staying at a five star Merriot. It's lovely and has a lot of sweet amenities like a lovely pool, hot tub, kiddie play area with water fountains and garden pathways and a HUGE breakfast buffet thats included with our room. Steve & I have a king bed which is wonderful after cramming in a tiny twin for the last wk.
Steve & I had to meet our group in the lobby at 9:15. We were all so tired and not able to get around fast this morning because of our late night so we just grabbed some thing real quick from the buffet before rushing to our appointment with Javonn. I'm really hoping for a relaxing breakfast tomorrow because it's the best buffet yet with lots of fresh fruit and american food like pancakes, french toast, bacon etc. AS much as we enjoy trying out new food our pallets are very happy to see some familiar things again!
Because the US Consulate is here in Guangzhou all American families adopting chinese children need to come here. So our hotel is just filled with adopting families. I'd guess about 20 families? It's such a sweet common bond that draws us together. Fun to connect and share stories. We all feel compassion when a child acts out at the buffet or on the bus because we are all in the same stage together. I met an adoptive mom on the elevator from Lancaster PA and another mommy from Albany NY.
Our app. was Javonn's medical exam that all adopted kids need done so they can get their visa. Our guide got us an early app. because this place because very busy with all adoption families from all agencies coming here. It again was so interesting seeing so many different families with their new children. Javonn did great except for shedding big tears when he needed to have a blood draw for a TB test. All kids over 2 are required to have this TB test, and it is why we need to stay one day longer than those adopting a baby because we need to wait for the results.
Javonn loves his gold fish crackers and loved to share them with everyone in the waiting room who would take one!
We were able to find a kids laxative and also apple juice to help Javonn with constipation. He is getting a bad rash on his back from the top of his pull ups.They really irritate his skin. Soft underwear would be much more gentle but he has regressed enough with his potty-ing that he needs to have a pull up on. Another mommy shared some Desitin with me, and we are trying to roll the back of his pull up down so the scratchy band isnt right on his skin.
Our guide for this city is a sweet older woman named Helen. She has been a tour guide for 30 years and an adoption guide for 10 so she is very skilled. She offered to take any laundry we need washed ot a local person to get washed who does it for a good price, at least mush cheaper than the hotel. It will cost me like $35 to get a basket of laundry done, but I'm done with hand washing :)
The children enjoyed time in the pool. It's 80 during the day. After a 6 mo winter it feels way awesome to feel such warmth!! Kianna has been fevering off and on all day and Derek has sore throat and fever tonight as well. Please pray with us for health!
We had a late lunch at McDonald's and though I'm not a fan of such unhealthy food we all enjoyed it so much! lol. They have a Starbucks right by our hotel and Steve surprised me with an ice cold white chocolate mocha this afternoon. What a treat!!
Tomorrow we plan to leave at 9:30 and go touring on Shaimen Island, a big shopping area for tourists
It's 9:30 and Steve & I had hoped to get to bed real early like 8ish to catch up for our short night but we are still both up on the computers. I think we are both unwinding because all the kids are sleeping, and the quiet is so peaceful and no one actually needs us at the moment :)
We are starting to get excited at the thought of seeing some of you again in a wk! We are on the last leg of the journey!
Happy Easter Sunday to you all!! .
Guangzhou (pronounced Gwong-Show) is a lovely tropical sourthern part of China. Beautiful palm trees, flower garden and greenery abound! I LOVE it! It's so much more restful than Xian, no honking horns & motorcycles. and much more family friendly here. I think we will just love love our time here. I'm so excited about it!
Yesterday morning, our last morning in Xian, it was rainy and cold. We were all so ready to get out of THAT hotel. the toddlers were cranky, and various ones were feeling sicky...tummy trouble that we guessed may have been from some street food we had the night before. Steve had a really bad head ache and as we looked at the agenda for the day we just looked at each other and said seriously, we have no idea how we are going to survive this day....EXCEPT for God! And you know what, at the end of the day, exhausted though we were we just wanted to worship God, because again, he was SO SO faithful and he gave each one in the family strength that we did not have at the beginning of the day. We were all so aware of God walking with us, and it was beautiful to see the older children aware of Jesus giving them strength!
It took a couple hours to get our room packed up and checked out. Javonn was crying and upset most of this time. We ate a hurried lunch then met our guide & group in the hotel lobby. Our guide gave us Javonns packet of paperwork that had been prepared during our stay in Xian and the paper work that we needed to move to the final stages.
We made a quick stop at the City Wall in Xian and some of the group got out to see it. Steve & I stayed in the bus since we each had a sleeping toddler and it was drizzly with rain. After that was a stop at the police station to pick up all the china babies chinese passports. And from there we drove an hour to the airport.
Till we arrived at the airport all the babies in the group were awake and getting fussy. Long lines to get our tickets....long lines to check in luggage...long lines to go through security. One of our suitcases needed a security check which took longer. All this time we are passing out the cheerios and goldfish crackers trying to quiet the toddlers. Javonn is throwing cheerios all over the place then screaming and thrashing if we try to stop him. Cleaning ladies keep coming with their little broom sweepers to clean up the crushed to powder mess. Lot's of people stare, and not exactly with friendly compassionate faces. I had this thought that I hope to never again judge "That MOM" you see in a grocery store with a loud unruly child. Show compassion, not disgust. You never know the reason. I sure felt like "that mom!" today!
Everyone down to Kianna got a thorough pat down. I had to hold her still because she was scared of the wand. I watched amused and some what holding my breath as dear Derek had to unload his pockets. I stood there having no idea what sort of treasures he may pull out as you never know what sticks n stones he may be hoarding in there!
Oh, once at the airport we found out our flight was delayed by an hour. After security, on the way to our gate we found a little kids play ground. That was a life saver for the children. A good distraction and to run of energy.
We sure prayed a lot about Javonn's first plane ride, and came armed with a back pack of entertainment. God answered those prayers and he did amazing! Glad it wasnt longer than 2 hrs though! Steve held him and kept constantly busy with masking tape that he used as stickers, trucks, cheerios etc. He was so exhausted but fought to stay awake. It was a weird set up in Guanzhou. Once landed on the run way, the plane taxied for probably 15 minutes then stopped kinda out in no where. We walked off the plane into 77 degrees and humid! We had to jump on a crowded shuttle bus (Around 11:00) and it was half an hour till we got to the terminal. Waited awhile on our luggage then met our new guide and hopped on a new bus for the 40 min ride to the hotel. Javonn didnt go to sleep until we were on the bus to the hotel! We all collapsed into bed around 1 am. But like I mentioned....dispite the hardness, We totally felt God's GRACE to stay calm and to be strong for everyone. How often I thought of "When I am weak, God is Strong!"
We are staying at a five star Merriot. It's lovely and has a lot of sweet amenities like a lovely pool, hot tub, kiddie play area with water fountains and garden pathways and a HUGE breakfast buffet thats included with our room. Steve & I have a king bed which is wonderful after cramming in a tiny twin for the last wk.
Steve & I had to meet our group in the lobby at 9:15. We were all so tired and not able to get around fast this morning because of our late night so we just grabbed some thing real quick from the buffet before rushing to our appointment with Javonn. I'm really hoping for a relaxing breakfast tomorrow because it's the best buffet yet with lots of fresh fruit and american food like pancakes, french toast, bacon etc. AS much as we enjoy trying out new food our pallets are very happy to see some familiar things again!
Because the US Consulate is here in Guangzhou all American families adopting chinese children need to come here. So our hotel is just filled with adopting families. I'd guess about 20 families? It's such a sweet common bond that draws us together. Fun to connect and share stories. We all feel compassion when a child acts out at the buffet or on the bus because we are all in the same stage together. I met an adoptive mom on the elevator from Lancaster PA and another mommy from Albany NY.
Our app. was Javonn's medical exam that all adopted kids need done so they can get their visa. Our guide got us an early app. because this place because very busy with all adoption families from all agencies coming here. It again was so interesting seeing so many different families with their new children. Javonn did great except for shedding big tears when he needed to have a blood draw for a TB test. All kids over 2 are required to have this TB test, and it is why we need to stay one day longer than those adopting a baby because we need to wait for the results.
Javonn loves his gold fish crackers and loved to share them with everyone in the waiting room who would take one!
We were able to find a kids laxative and also apple juice to help Javonn with constipation. He is getting a bad rash on his back from the top of his pull ups.They really irritate his skin. Soft underwear would be much more gentle but he has regressed enough with his potty-ing that he needs to have a pull up on. Another mommy shared some Desitin with me, and we are trying to roll the back of his pull up down so the scratchy band isnt right on his skin.
Our guide for this city is a sweet older woman named Helen. She has been a tour guide for 30 years and an adoption guide for 10 so she is very skilled. She offered to take any laundry we need washed ot a local person to get washed who does it for a good price, at least mush cheaper than the hotel. It will cost me like $35 to get a basket of laundry done, but I'm done with hand washing :)
The children enjoyed time in the pool. It's 80 during the day. After a 6 mo winter it feels way awesome to feel such warmth!! Kianna has been fevering off and on all day and Derek has sore throat and fever tonight as well. Please pray with us for health!
We had a late lunch at McDonald's and though I'm not a fan of such unhealthy food we all enjoyed it so much! lol. They have a Starbucks right by our hotel and Steve surprised me with an ice cold white chocolate mocha this afternoon. What a treat!!
Tomorrow we plan to leave at 9:30 and go touring on Shaimen Island, a big shopping area for tourists
It's 9:30 and Steve & I had hoped to get to bed real early like 8ish to catch up for our short night but we are still both up on the computers. I think we are both unwinding because all the kids are sleeping, and the quiet is so peaceful and no one actually needs us at the moment :)
We are starting to get excited at the thought of seeing some of you again in a wk! We are on the last leg of the journey!
Happy Easter Sunday to you all!! .
More Touring
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How thrilled we were to eat here for lunch!! Oh it was so yummy if we would have had tails they would have been wagging like a happy lamb!! |
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Celebrating Derek's 7th birthday a bit early. |
How we love this sweet little boy! He's such a goofy copy-cat and cracks us all up!
He is so easy to love, and so worth the paper work pain...the long wait...the tears and the faith stretching.
I love love having "twin" toddlers. It gets crazy at times, but it makes life exciting....double trouble, but double blessings and joy!!
Tuesday ~ Day # 6
Good Afternoon!
I am presently enjoying some quiet time, and I must say it is very refreshing!
We were so blessed with our best night of sleep yet since coming to China! We have no paper work that needs done today so we have a free day to do as we want. We decided against going out and doing some sight seeing as it became very apparent today that our newest treasure is feeling a lot of grief and sadness today. This is very much to be expected, and is a needful/ healthy thing for him to go through as we walk with him on his journey to healing. He has just been torn away from everything he has ever known. The people that have ever cared for him, all his playmates, familiar routines, food, smells sounds etc. Even though he cant logically process this, He is feeling a deep sadness
He has been very sad and angry today. Lots of tantrums, spitting and acting out. When someone hurts, they tend to want to hurt others. We feel only compassion for what he is doing & how he is acting, because we understand WHY he is doing it.
There was a specific episode today where he was screaming, retreating into a corner and clearly showing he did not want me. I gave him some space and sat about 2 ft from him and talked softly and smiled. As tears rolled in a little stream down his face I saw so vividly at that moment a very hurting boy. And just as vividly I felt the amazing responsibility/ blessing of being the hands of Jesus. Tears came to my eyes too, as I felt his hurt, and imagined how confusing life must be right now...
God never said it would be easy. Our flesh tends to shy away from things that are messy. Things that take us out of our comfort zone. But He does promise that He will flow through us if we are willing vessels. And at that moment I felt the supernatural love of Jesus flow through me for my scared little boy. I kept holding out my hands to him so he would know he was welcome in my embrace whenever he felt ready. And after awhile he came... sweaty. tear stained and exhausted. But ready to receive.
Beautiful. The love of Jesus always works. We are honored to be part of Javonns healing! He is such an amazing creation!
So between Steve & I, we have been spending a lot of the day giving one on one time to Javonn. Aunt Ruth has been able to occupy the other children in the other bedroom. (Bless her!)
He fell asleep in daddy's arms and had a long restful nap. Naps always help! I'm so blessed to be a team mate with Steve. he is always so calm and steadfast! Love him!!
Just as Shao Bo Is learning about us, we are also learning about him, and some triggers too avoid. Like a little trip to the super market for a few items = a meltdown, because it is so overly stimulating to see all those bright colors and hundreds of options to grab and cling to that he finds out he isn't allowed to. So we wont even take him there knowing he isn't ready for it.
Food...he loves snacks! And we learned that snacks were given freely at his orphanage and used as a solution for anything. We have plenty of snacks for him, and offer them often. But we learned today to only give him a snack for each hand, a sin 2 pieces, and only hand him piece by piece as he is ready for it. Giving him the whole bag causes melt downs because he stuffs his mouth then flings and throws them all over the room etc. He has a lot of habits to unlearn that he's been accustomed to using.
We are almost half way through our journey here! Tomorrow is touring the Terracota warriors. Steve has been looking forward to that. Derek is excited about his 7th birthday in four days. I brought candles along and am hoping to buy a cake from a local bakery.
We are all having fun learning about the culture and trying new foods. We all eat at the breakfast buffet then only buy one other meal per day.
We sure enjoyed our day at the Great Wall! I still intend to post pictures of some of the places we toured when/ if I get time :)
Our sweet guide that was with us in Beijing. The children really fell in love with her! She said we were the biggest family she ever saw!
Ok, dear people. Enough for tonight. Time to go join the family.
Till next time.....
I am presently enjoying some quiet time, and I must say it is very refreshing!
We were so blessed with our best night of sleep yet since coming to China! We have no paper work that needs done today so we have a free day to do as we want. We decided against going out and doing some sight seeing as it became very apparent today that our newest treasure is feeling a lot of grief and sadness today. This is very much to be expected, and is a needful/ healthy thing for him to go through as we walk with him on his journey to healing. He has just been torn away from everything he has ever known. The people that have ever cared for him, all his playmates, familiar routines, food, smells sounds etc. Even though he cant logically process this, He is feeling a deep sadness
He has been very sad and angry today. Lots of tantrums, spitting and acting out. When someone hurts, they tend to want to hurt others. We feel only compassion for what he is doing & how he is acting, because we understand WHY he is doing it.
There was a specific episode today where he was screaming, retreating into a corner and clearly showing he did not want me. I gave him some space and sat about 2 ft from him and talked softly and smiled. As tears rolled in a little stream down his face I saw so vividly at that moment a very hurting boy. And just as vividly I felt the amazing responsibility/ blessing of being the hands of Jesus. Tears came to my eyes too, as I felt his hurt, and imagined how confusing life must be right now...
God never said it would be easy. Our flesh tends to shy away from things that are messy. Things that take us out of our comfort zone. But He does promise that He will flow through us if we are willing vessels. And at that moment I felt the supernatural love of Jesus flow through me for my scared little boy. I kept holding out my hands to him so he would know he was welcome in my embrace whenever he felt ready. And after awhile he came... sweaty. tear stained and exhausted. But ready to receive.
Beautiful. The love of Jesus always works. We are honored to be part of Javonns healing! He is such an amazing creation!
So between Steve & I, we have been spending a lot of the day giving one on one time to Javonn. Aunt Ruth has been able to occupy the other children in the other bedroom. (Bless her!)
He fell asleep in daddy's arms and had a long restful nap. Naps always help! I'm so blessed to be a team mate with Steve. he is always so calm and steadfast! Love him!!
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Daddy loves his new son! Sometimes he just wants to Squeeze him! Because he's so squeezable! |
Just as Shao Bo Is learning about us, we are also learning about him, and some triggers too avoid. Like a little trip to the super market for a few items = a meltdown, because it is so overly stimulating to see all those bright colors and hundreds of options to grab and cling to that he finds out he isn't allowed to. So we wont even take him there knowing he isn't ready for it.
Food...he loves snacks! And we learned that snacks were given freely at his orphanage and used as a solution for anything. We have plenty of snacks for him, and offer them often. But we learned today to only give him a snack for each hand, a sin 2 pieces, and only hand him piece by piece as he is ready for it. Giving him the whole bag causes melt downs because he stuffs his mouth then flings and throws them all over the room etc. He has a lot of habits to unlearn that he's been accustomed to using.
We are almost half way through our journey here! Tomorrow is touring the Terracota warriors. Steve has been looking forward to that. Derek is excited about his 7th birthday in four days. I brought candles along and am hoping to buy a cake from a local bakery.
We are all having fun learning about the culture and trying new foods. We all eat at the breakfast buffet then only buy one other meal per day.
Some foods we LOVE, others not so much. Like the chicken feet at the buffet arnt too hard to pass over! |
We sure enjoyed our day at the Great Wall! I still intend to post pictures of some of the places we toured when/ if I get time :)
Our sweet guide that was with us in Beijing. The children really fell in love with her! She said we were the biggest family she ever saw!
Ok, dear people. Enough for tonight. Time to go join the family.
Till next time.....
It's official!!
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At the civil affairs office in Xian, China, we sealed our finger prints on top of our signatures and promised to love and raise ShaoBo, |
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We promised to become your forever parents and to never abandon you.... It is truly an honor to receive you into our hearts, Javonn! You will add so much JOY to our family! |
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We keep telling you over and over: "You are LOVED!!! YOU ARE chosen!! |
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You are perfect just the way you are, because you ARE fearfully and Wonderfully created by a Father who loves you so much and has a special destiny for your life! |
Gotcha Day!!!
Sunday Morning:We woke up early at our hotel in Beijing, all of us feeling the excitement that today was THE day! It really felt rather unreal! We packed up our room, ate breakfast at the buffet , then met our group & guide in the lobby at 7:30. We rode a bus to a small local airport. Ran into a glitch with Steve's passport that required additional time of waiting as they fixed the problem. We were so glad we had come early. Going through customs, most of us endured a thorough pat down. Awkward!
Once on the plane we had a 2 hr flight to Xian. We were met by our new guide, Sherrie. Boarded another bus and during the 1 hr drive to our hotel she went over the instructions for the rest of the day,and the rest of the wk.
Our hotel is right smack in the middle of a huge city. We are on the 23rd floor and have a great view of the city below. Although, so far there has been a constant haze, which dosent allow you to see very far. We have 2 hotel rooms. They really are amazing and have wonderful bathrooms.(important to me!) Each room has 2 twin beds, which in my opinion seem even smaller than our twin beds. We also have an extra cot in the one room for Javonn.
We only had a little more than half an hour to unload our luggage before we needed to rush back into the bus to head to the Civil Affairs building to meet our children. Oh my! It really was stressful and at the moment it felt anything but calm and serene! We were all hot n sweaty, tired, nervous and I was esp worried that the children, or mainly Kianna would create chaos in an already chaotic room of various families all meeting their child at once! I knew she was tired, clingy and fragile. We Prayed hard and trusted again that God's peace would prevail!
Nerves running high we enter the building and go to the 20th floor. As soon as we walked in the door, there he was!! All the kids had already arrived!
We had some legal papers to sign that gave us temporary custody of him for the next 24 hrs. His nanny & director quietly slipped out and we were on our own! |
Our family of 6! As soon as the Chinese tell Shao Bo to pose he pops out the 2 fingers. All the Chinese kids do that! |
Greetings from my hotel room in Beijing. I should be sound asleep....but because of that terrible jet lag I'm wide awake at the moment so after swallowing a few sleep aid pills I figured I may as well write until they take effect Besides, Kianna is having the same problem, the dear thing fell asleep around 1:30 in the afternoon while we were out touring. At first I assumed she was just having her normal afternoon nap but after a few hours it became apparent it was not just a nap, it was her night time! We could not wake her up! She was like a floppy rag doll who could be passed from person to person, jostled in the vehicles and nothing would wake her! We were like "Oh no~" we knew the problem this would likely cause when our night time came......
Our hopes to skip out on jet lag by taking melatonin regularly on the way over, as suggested by Daniel Haley, most certainly did not work, because today was pretty tough. WE had hoped to sleep in till 8:30, but instead were all wide awake by 5:30. The breakfast buffet opens at 6 so we got dressed/ showered and were out their by 7. We all oohed and aah-ed over the wide variety of options. It was a good mix of chinese and american food. Definitely enough that we can get satisfied on. It's all set up attractively and the cooks wear the great big tall white hats. They don't have silver ware on the tables unless you request some. Its all chopsticks. Napkins is another thing they don't really use. Not sure if they never get messy eating or if they just wipe on themselves. But this mommy who is very aware of making as little laundry as possible and hoping each child can stay in the same outfit for at least the entire day sure misses napkins!!
After breakfast we roamed around and explored some of what the hotel has to offer. It has some fancy expensive looking clothing, toy and jewelry shops. The main thing that caught our attention was a Starbucks! It was set up just like the American ones. Its amazing how soothing it is to see something familiar when all the sights, sennces and language around you are foreign. We didn't have any money on us at the moment so we are still waiting to indulge on a cup of coffee.
We were to meet our guide and the rest of our group in the lobby at ten. But before that I felt like I could crash in bed and go to sleep. It was like that all day for Steve & I. It came in waves. Energy for a couple hours then all of a sudden we would be hit with such tiredness it really took effort to be "with it." We commented various times how grateful/wise it is not to have gotcha day on that first day when our body is so disoriented. I told Steve it sure takes faith today to believe that I wont feel hazy and groggy this entire trip! You mean theres a possibility we could ever get a good night of sleep and feel rested! Sure hope so!
There were only 2 other families in the lobby. Another one is arriving late tonight, and the another family skipped the Beijing part and went straight to their childs province. We will meet them later. The 2 families we met are both from MD and we are all adopting boys, and all from the same province! The one couple has their 12 yr old daughter along. The other couple has 5 older children, all at home. We enjoyed getting thawed out and got more relaxed with each other as the day progressed because we road around in a bus and toured as a group. On the agenda for today (friday) was visiting the great Wall of China. We had an hours drive there, which was nice because we got to see alot more of the city and surrounding area. We saw a mix of highly advanced looking architecture in the huge buildings and sky rise apartments along with a lot of poor looking areas. It was an amazing drive and really kind of hard to take it all in! Such a very different culture! It felt so good to get a glimpse of our sons culture. It occurred to me that even though this IS his heritage he will likely grow up feeling as much a foreigner to it as we do. Hopefully we can take enough of pictures for him to enjoy hearing about it as he grows up.
The Great Wall is truly an AMAZING sight!! So worth going to!! It's just incredible to try to take it all in. You've seen the photos many times in books etc, but suddenly you want to pinch yourself because its hard to believe you are standing there on it in real life! Pictures just dont do justice ! The mountains are so huge and jagged. Derek & Karilee thoroughly enjoyed climbing the wall. They of course would be way ahead of us, then look back and say "come on Mom & Dad! Whats taking so long!" Yeah right! We were out of breath and taking many rest stops, plus carrying Kianna and a back pack. In my jet lag state I completly forgot to bring along the Ergo baby carrier to the wall even though I had it packed in our suitcase for specifically a time as this! We also left our sun glasses at the hotel because it looked so hazy and overcast when we left we didn't think we would need them, but it was nice and fairly clear on the mountain and we regretted not bringing them. We climbed to the first big tower, then decided that was enough for our family. The steps were steep and you really needed to watch your footing because of uneven and mis shaped steps. We enjoyed browsing the little shops that were set up at the bottom. D & K each picked out a souvenir and we enjoyed watching nationals do hand paintings with their thumbs and fingers creating amazing paintings of the wall. It was on the way back down that Kianna fell asleep, maybe around 2 pm and she slept the rest of the afternoon, evening and when we got back to our hotel at 6:30 pm I laid her in bed and she kept right on sleeping until 11 pm! Then she was ready to be wide awake, was hungry and wanted to play. All the rest of us were zombies! I felt sorry for her. I kept the lights real dim, let her eat a granola bar, dry cheerios and water. Then we gave her some melationin to help her relax and she went back to sleep again. She was restless the rest of the night but def allowed us ot get more sleep. We were all awake by 4 am and took melatonin to make us go back to sleep, which we did for a few more hours.
Anyway, back to the afternoon yesterday, after we were done at the Great wall, our bus load went to a Tea House, the most famous one here in Beijing. Tea is a huge thing here, like coffee is in America. We all sat around a table while a girl told us about their different famous teas like Jasmine, OOlong, fruit tea etc. and what they use them for. Certain teas are good for digestion, some for calming etc. They have a special way they make it...and served us samples of each in tiny cups that held probably 2-3 tablespoons! It was very interesting! Carmen, I thought of you, because it was just like you had described it.
Oh, another thing, we had been warned the children's blong hair would be an attraction. Oh my goodness! That is no understatement! Going up the great wall it almost got ridiculous the people that stopped and wanted a picture with her. Touching her and rubbing her cheeks. Also many posing with Karilee. Someone said blond hair and blue eyes to them means good luck so they like to touch/ take pictures. At the restraunts the waitress will just scoop Kianna up and attract a flock around them and want to pass her around. I'm surprised how well she has tolerated it. I asked Karilee what it feels like to be a celebrity!:)
After the tea house tour we were more tired than ever! Everyone in our group was looking pretty bushed! All we wanted was to crash in bed, but oh no, we were headed to another big chinese restaurant for a typical chinese meal where we sit at a large round table that has a lazy susan in the middle that they load with food and you turn it around and dish out whatever you want. Kianna is still sleeping in my arms and Derek laid his head on the table as soon as we sat down and was completely out for the entire meal. It was such a relief to get back to the hotel. My head was hurting and I crashed in bed and went to sleep shortly after.
Saturday morning: We just returned from the breakfast buffet which we all enjoyed very much. Steve is off to exchange some money and get our first coffee. we need to meet in the lobby in half an hour to leave with the group for the days sight seeing. We feel much better and oriented today. Kianna is crabby though. We are going to The forbidden City, and I forget the name of the other place. I think it will be a full day.
Sunday morning we leave the hotel at 7 am to go to the airport. Our flight leaves at ten, I believe. Tomorrow is THE day!!! We are ready for it!
Love & Blessings from China! Esther
PS. Reuben, Derek was so tickled ot find one of those little laser lights from a peddlar off the street that came running up to our bus with his wares. It's not quite as fancy as yours but he's tickled pink!
En-route to China
I've been waiting for a chance to come on here and give an update. Whew! The last week has been BUSY and hectic!! But we survived it and guess what?!! We are currently up in the air on our first flight heading to China!! We left our little city airport in Watertown about 20 minutes ago. So nice having an airport half an hour from home!
We woke up this morning feeling all excited thta this was THE day!!! Everyone had big smiles on their faces as we did final packing, and cleaned the house. We're gonna miss our house and cozy beds. I'm already looking forward to coming home :)
Grandma Martin made lunch for us and then we had a few stops to make in town. We were so glad Grandpa Glick's could come out to the airport and see us off. They brought yummy Pappa Johns Pizza for us to eat. I think Kianna had a bit too much pop...she is bouncing off the walls... I mean seat, here beside me!
It was priceless watching Karilee & Derek's faces as the plane took off. This is their first flights that they are old enough to remember. Steve & I are SO incredibly grateful to God for providing for the whole family to come along. The last huge life changing event our family went through (Jadrians death) it included so much seperation as a family, and we are so thrilled that we can enter into this special life event as a family, all together. And even though Jadrian is not with us in person, we feel his spirit with us. His life played such a signifigant role in this journey coming to pass. We even tell each other we feel closer to Jadrian being up high in these fluffy clouds!!
Grateful for a beautiful day to fly! We have a 1 1/2 hr flight to Chicago. There we will meet up with Auntie Ruth who is so graciously joining us on this trip to help with child care. We only have 45 minutes in Chicago until we board American Airlines 777 to Bejiing, China! That will be a 13 hr flight. We leave at 7:15 pm and fly all night and arrive in Bejiing at 9:45 pm and get ready to start our second night in a row. There is a 12 hr time change! Our bodies will be going through quite the adjustments!
After we go throw customs in Bejiing we will be met by our guide who will be holding our agency name sign. I'm sure he will be a great sight to weary bodies in a strange land. He will escort us to our hotel where we will hopefully get a GOOD night of sleep :)
Friday & Saturday will be spent touring in Bejiing. This time is intentionaly planned to give our bodies a little time to acclimate to the new time zone and hopefully get over jet lag a little before we go to meet our treasure. On Sunday morning we fly to Shaanxi, Javonn's province, for Gotcha day!
We woke up this morning feeling all excited thta this was THE day!!! Everyone had big smiles on their faces as we did final packing, and cleaned the house. We're gonna miss our house and cozy beds. I'm already looking forward to coming home :)
Grandma Martin made lunch for us and then we had a few stops to make in town. We were so glad Grandpa Glick's could come out to the airport and see us off. They brought yummy Pappa Johns Pizza for us to eat. I think Kianna had a bit too much pop...she is bouncing off the walls... I mean seat, here beside me!
It was priceless watching Karilee & Derek's faces as the plane took off. This is their first flights that they are old enough to remember. Steve & I are SO incredibly grateful to God for providing for the whole family to come along. The last huge life changing event our family went through (Jadrians death) it included so much seperation as a family, and we are so thrilled that we can enter into this special life event as a family, all together. And even though Jadrian is not with us in person, we feel his spirit with us. His life played such a signifigant role in this journey coming to pass. We even tell each other we feel closer to Jadrian being up high in these fluffy clouds!!
Grateful for a beautiful day to fly! We have a 1 1/2 hr flight to Chicago. There we will meet up with Auntie Ruth who is so graciously joining us on this trip to help with child care. We only have 45 minutes in Chicago until we board American Airlines 777 to Bejiing, China! That will be a 13 hr flight. We leave at 7:15 pm and fly all night and arrive in Bejiing at 9:45 pm and get ready to start our second night in a row. There is a 12 hr time change! Our bodies will be going through quite the adjustments!
After we go throw customs in Bejiing we will be met by our guide who will be holding our agency name sign. I'm sure he will be a great sight to weary bodies in a strange land. He will escort us to our hotel where we will hopefully get a GOOD night of sleep :)
Friday & Saturday will be spent touring in Bejiing. This time is intentionaly planned to give our bodies a little time to acclimate to the new time zone and hopefully get over jet lag a little before we go to meet our treasure. On Sunday morning we fly to Shaanxi, Javonn's province, for Gotcha day!
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