Always time for fun too! A unique way to see who's tallest.

View from behind the house. Master suite not roofed yet.

Steve helping with some framing. he enjoys when he gets a chance to work with his brothers, but it hasnt happened too often so far.

starting to take shape!

The children had sooo much fun playing on the dirt piles. And the fun is doubled when Uncle Sam plays too!

Masonry work was done by Ken Good. I remember Irvin & Aaron working for him!

Basement being dug by big brother Irvin. Derek enjoyed riding.

I thought some of you might enjoy seeing some of the progress so far! Im not very good at remembering to take pictures but this will give you an idea.
Seeing your house constructions has brought back many memories, We built this house we are in just over 3 years ago, I remember well the excitment of seeing progress!! :)