August is really almost over!!! Hard to believe! It's been an incredibly busy month. Loaded to the gills with fun and lots of work!
On the 10th Steve & I celebrated eleven years of marriage!! We had a blessed day together, ALONE. Ah, it was so refreshing and relaxing to have no one else to care for and just focus on us. The whole day was covered with God's blessing and sweetness. My heart feels so full of gratitude to be married to such a noble and loving Man of God. ....
We are excited about our future together......
We LOVE DREAMING together......
We love parenting together......
We love that every year we grow deeper in love and in our commitment to each other. We have gone through some really hard things together, but Because of Jesus, it has drawn us closer to each other.

Anticipating many more years of God's favor TOGETHER. Best Fiends and soul mates. Thank you Jesus!
GARDENING! That's the word that describes August. Lots and lots of it.
Sampling our very first watermelon! From garden to mouth! Cant get better than that!!
Proof that I can actually grow melons!! Rather proud of it! I never grew any before but will def be trying it again. The watermelon wasn't overly ripe. Never having grown one before I wasn't sure how to tell when the thing was ripe. It was still yummy.
Garden Goodies! I cant believe the abundance we had despite competing with massive weeds all year. I feel so richly blessed! The children love gardening as much as I do. We get to do hands on science!! We love talking about the ways we see God in creation. From sticking a tiny seed in dirt to watching a spindly plant grow strong from sun and rain to harvesting it's fruit.
This year we enjoyed Corn, Broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, okra, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, melons, potatoes and sweet potatoes. And Derek's pumpkins. He has the above small carving kind and some mega prize winners still in the garden.
Speaking of egg plant, I really enjoyed some of the new dishes I tried. The family, not so much. I am the only one who eats the okra too!
The month was filled with hauling semi loads of peaches up every week for the Amish communities. I canned over 50 quart and was so amazed at the help I had! Karilee cut the peaches and Derek filled Jars. Can't forget to mention my mom! She is the fastest peeler I know and peeled 2 bushel peaches for me faster than I could keep up with!
As much as I enjoy this season of putting food away for the winter, I'm ready to see it come to an end. My house feel's sticky from all the canning and I am anxious to house clean it from top to bottom. Anxious at least for the clean organized feeling!
I'm ready to throw my focus on home schooling and doing projects inside the house. A season for everything!!
As for the adoption.... We received our approval from US immigrations (I800). This is our final document and it is on it's way to Albany to get authenticated. As soon as we have it back we will send it to NYcity for the final stamp and then our entire dossier is ready for China!! We will mail it to our agency and they will send it to China. Feel's like we've been waiting forever and like things move at a snails pace, but I'm learning to be okay with that. Embracing the moment, and knowing our new son will join our family in God's perfect time. Hoping it's sooner than later :)
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