The children's count down chart on the wall boldly declares that it's 9 more days till we step on that plane!! We are down to single digit numbers! This week loosk very full so no doubt the time to depart will come before we know it!
Derek finished his math book today and we will finish the remaining remnants of school this week. Yay for ending the school term early! One of the perks of home schooling was being able to stick to school steadily and not need to have weeks off for snow days! We have a gym day, 2 dentist appointments and a weekend of babysitting cousins. I also intend to get the last few items from our shopping list and work at packing....
Two specific books I cant wait to read many times over to Javonn. Beautiful childrens books on adoption. Thank-You Ellen & Carmen!
Packing for 6 people feels like a big job to me, but I'm sure it will all come together just fine. I'm determined to not stress about it. If we forget something, more than likely we can buy it there! Our in country flights only allow 44 pounds per checked in item so I'm planning to have that be our weight limit even though our flights to China allow 50 pounds. |
The lovely cake from Aunt Carmen~~Javonn has no idea how many uncles and aunties are waiting to love on him!
Sunday morning both Steve & I came down with a nasty head cold that got progressively worse.... He was able to go to work today and I managed to limp around with getting Monday duties done with very frequent visits to the couch, and ever reaching for the tissue box. Even though my eyes are swollen and it looks like I've been crying all day, my heart feels quite the opposite. I feel SO AWARE of God's presence today! And that, is SO SO precious! Despite being sick at such an inconvenient time, I am not afraid, because I know God is with us and everything is in control. And most likely the sickness, is just another attack the devil is trying to throw at us.
I PRAISE and BLESS you , Lord, for you are so faithful to your promise!! You surround us today with your peace. There is no fear because you are with us! I feel SO AWARE of the fact that our family is just about to step in to a new phase that will change our lives in so many ways. So aware that it will be a mixture of HARD and beautiful. But more than anything, right now I *FEEL* the presence of Jesus so clearly, that even sickness and packing chaos cant take away that peace. He reminds us, this trip is ALL about him. He planned it. He's orchestrating every detail. All we do is take His hand and follow.
There is NOTHING so sweet, so peaceful, so securing, as following the will of our Shepherd. |
Praying for your family!!
ReplyDeleteWow, excited with you guys! =) God is going before you, with you, and in you.