It's mostly a photo update :) We are so blessed and amazed how well Javonn is fitting right in! It just warms my heart when I see him running outside and exploring on the land with the other children. He loves being outside, and esp. loves four wheeler rides and going down the slide on the swing set. |
He definitely has times where he grieves and will cry for a while. But he readily comes to us for comfort and lets us love on him. Morning's have seemed to be the time when he feels the most fragile. We are still trying to figure out if he is waking up too early, and just tired. Or if that is a time where he feels disoriented and sad.
Whatever the case, he get's filled with lots of love and snuggles. It's SO rewarding to see him THRIVE! |
He loves bath time, playing at the kitchen faucet and getting all wet. What child dosent, right?! |
He is picking up so many English words! He says, "Where awe you? for Where ARE you. And morning's we have this little Good Morning song we sing to each other and he so sweetly goes around saying, "Good-Moooor-ning!" in his sing song-y way. As cute as his Chinese Chatter is, we look forward when he is switched over to speaking in English. It will give us such a window into his mind and heart! |
He loves this American Airline Plane from Uncle Reubens. It makes the sound of a plane taking off, which is why he is holding it to his ears. |
These two!!! What shall I say..... they bring us so much laughter and so much busyness! They both have strong opinions and neither one will be outdone by the other. What the one does or has-- so will the other!! |
They can fight one minute and be best buddies the next! |
And yes! He can be quite affectionate!! It's hilarious watching the toddlers pucker their lips and AIM! |
Snuggles with daddy before he leaves for work. He is always sad when Steve leaves but is getting over it much faster. Oh when he hears his truck coming in the drive. Nothing can stop him! He tears out on the front porch and jumps, claps and dances for joy shouting "Daddy Daddy!!!" He gets very jealous if Steve Kisses me first! lol |
I love putting Javonn down for his afternoon nap. It's our own quiet mommy- son time. I think he secretly enjoys it too! I do the same routine every time so he knows exactly what to expect. I carry him to my room and show him his toddler bed and tell him its nap time (in an excited tone, because *I* think nap time truly is wonderful!) We pull the blinds to darken the room then we sit in the rocker and sing away. He curls into my arms like a burrowing bunny and helps sing along to "Jesus loves me" and "Twinkle Twinkle". He picks up on songs so fast! It never takes long and his beautiful dark eyes start drooping. I love this time to speak over him God's truth. And God uses that quiet time to speak into my heart as well! So many deep stirring's going on in the depths of my heart . This little boy causes me to cry out in a deeper way to my Father.
I am so aware of my need for HIM as I mother.
Steve does the nightly rocking/tucking in so he get's daddy time too.
Adoption is both hard and beautiful! It reveal's your own selfishness, and things about yourself that you dont like to see. God has been using this season to do a purging in my heart and invite me into a deeper level of relying on Him. As He unconditionally loves us,even in our brokenness and imperfections, He shows us how to pour that same kind of love to Javonn, and all our treasures. Choosing unconditional love is not always easy. It's not always a gushy feeling. Sometime's it's a choice you CHOOSE because it's God's way. And God is allowing us a front row seat in watching how this kind of love changes a wounded heart. It's humbling. It's encouraging! it's empowering! |
We are so blessed how well Javonn is adapting to our food. He eats almost anything!
The verses about God adopting us into HIS family have come alive for us in a new way. Seriously, because of how God has CHOSEN us, when I gaze down at his sweet sleeping face..... all I can think is, How could we not have?
We are so grateful to God for allowing us this journey. Not only has it added a beautiful child to our family. And given a child a family. It has pulled us into a place where God say's, "Guys, I want you to go deeper. I have more I want you to learn and know about MY HEART. ANd whenever God invites you into MORE of HIM, it's not always easy. But its ALWAYS GOOD because He IS good !! Surrender..... Yes God.......we will follow.
Some moments aren't all sugar and spice with twin toddlers. LOL |
Mommy is in high demand!!. I quickly grabbed the camera and shot this scene that was happening at my feet. I figured some day I will look back at the memories of these photos and think how fast my babies grew!
So what to do but plop on the floor and hold them both! They were both crying " Mommy! Mommy!" and the more they noticed the other one crying for me the louder and more intense they became! :) |
So in a nut shell, life is busy, kind of crazy at times, but we are abundantly blessed ~~ his attachment and bonding is going so well! He catches on to things so fast! Holding hands at meal times for prayer, for example. He watched with curiosity the first time but now he holds his hands out eagerly and begs to sing the prayer "God is Great." I am so thrilled to teach him about God!
Blessings till next time... I need to go. The toddlers are both peering in the front door ringing the door bell like it's their last chance. Spare my ears! |
I admire you Esther; I know how stressed I sometimes get with only one child, and you have two at that challenging toddler age. Relying on God as our only source of strength is something I thought I learned, but have to keep re-learning. May he provide you with all the grace you need. And, thanks for the very-real-life picture of tears. ;)