
Of pukes & Praise...

It started last night.....when baby dear suddenly had an explosive throw up. Hmm..that explained her crankiness and loss of appetite that day. I cleaned up the big mess and we went on to enjoy a very nice evening with Steve's family at the Chinese Buffet. Till we got home Derek was complaining of his tummy hurting. It does seem that when my kids get sick, the worst is often during the night! Kianna continued to throw up a few more times during the night. Making a flurry of flying covers and shaking bodies as we try to wake up in two seconds....hit the light...and grab a towel to trap the spout.....

Sweet baby...now fevering...so weak and exhausted. As long as she could be next to me, she relaxed and went right back to sleep. I sighed contentedly. I love comforting my children when they are ill.

Then comes Derek....at another odd hour of the night. Same story. More mess and stink to clean up. 
Oh my! Stomach bugs are no fun, how then can it be that my heart feels such praise. Such joy in getting a warm rag and wiping clean that crusty face and replacing the soiled clothes with sweet smelling clean ones.

I cant help but think of a dear mommy friend who this very day is in the hospital struggling for her life with brain cancer. She has 5 little ones. I'm sure she would give anything to just be able to be home caring for her kids.
It makes me feel so unworthy. I am healthy. I am strong. I am SO blessed. God's favor is on me. Not because of anything I have done, or have not done. But simply because I am HIS and He loves me. I feel so "cacooned" in His love today. And because of His love, I LOVE to pour love on my lovies.

So its gonna be a rock-my-babies and read stories sort of day. That is, in between keeping the washer humming with more soiled clothes and offering sips of water. Snow is falling gently outside. Worship music fills the back round. My body is tired, but my spirit is filled with praise. Jesus, I EMBRACE today with joy.

And as I rock my baby and cuddle her with love...............my mind cant help but wander to far away China. Where today waits a little boy, waiting to be held by a forever mommy.
 Who held him when he was sick? Did he lay in a crib alone with no one to quickly attend to cleaning up his mess. Who rocked him as he fevered. It hurts my heart to think of his loss, his pain. Jesus, you know who that little boy is today. Please hold him close. Prepare him to receive the love of a family. The love of a mommy and daddy who are so anxious to pour out love...to make up on all the years of loss.

Mommy is coming as fast as I can sweet China lovie!

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