
It's official!!

What a special day today was for our family! And for a special little boy who has never known anything other than the life of an orphan.

Today, Little Wei Shao Bo officially became:

Javonn Tyler ShaoBo Glick

At the civil affairs office in Xian, China, we sealed our finger prints on top of our signatures and promised to love and raise ShaoBo, 

We promised to become your forever parents and to never abandon you....

It is truly an honor to receive you into our hearts, Javonn! You will add so much JOY to our family!

This photo has a special little story that warmed my heart. Before we left the civil office I asked for a photo with Shao Bo and his orphange director. He was a very kind man to Shao Bo and I wanted to be sure to have a photo in his memory book of this special man who helped facilitate his adoption.
Remember, when we first arrived yesterday, he cried to leave the director and nanny, but today when I handed him to the director Steve & I both watched ShaoBo transform before our eyes. Moments before he had been playing and laughing but as soon as he was in the arms of the director he just emotionally zoned out. You could see it on his face and he just made himself limp and would not smile for the picture. The director tried to tease/ kiss him but he was listless. As soon as I reached for him he jumped in my arms, smiled huge, and just relaxed!! It was so obvious he wanted no chance of going back . He WANTED us!!
It is such a gift that he is receiving our love so quickly!

We keep telling you over and over:

"You are LOVED!!!

YOU ARE chosen!!

You are perfect just the way you are, because you ARE fearfully and Wonderfully created by a Father who loves you so much and has a special destiny for your life!

He is soaking in all our love. He just thrives on it. He freely comes to us to be reassured that we are still here, and that we still love him!

We will spend the rest of our life assuring you of our love, and most of all of your Heavenly Father's unending love for you.

We cant wait to come home and introduce our little man to all his extended family and friends. He will def. crack you up! He's quite hilarious at times!

Speaking of coming home, I'm already kind of home sick! I try not to dwell on it, because i really do want to enjoy this time but I cant WAIT to be home again!

I wont lie, it has been HARD at times having the whole family along, K & D do great, it's really just Kianna that has made some challenging times. She has felt very threatened and is not happy at all about sharing mommy! My heart feels so soft toward her, I understand the adjustment is hard for her.... I'm sure things will level out and they will become best friends!

This afternoon we had an appointment at the police station to get his picture taken for his chinese passport. It will be finished on thursday. Tomorrow we have a free day, so I will probably be able to write more and post some more pictures.
I must go join the family in bed, now that everyone is actually sleeping I dare not waste the chance to get some shut eye! Planning to take a sleep aid in hopes of a longer night. I am still waking every morning around 1-3 am. GRR!! Last night was a hard night, it was Shao Bo
s first night. While he didnt cry and cry, which was wonderful. He was so wound up he couldnt relax. Both Steve & I were so tired we could hardly stay awake... Shao Bo had about 6 things he latched on to as treasures, tissue packets, bubble bottles, his photo album from orphanage. He was CONSTANTLY moving these 6 items around in his hand. Stacking them up. It would tumble. Stack back up. Cling to everything. Try to hold them all at once. Impossible. so rotate..rotate..always sorting..holding ...clinging. He would wimper if I tried to lay his head down and strongly resist. We knew he had probably never had any one item he could claim as his own and right now he needed that security. Seriously, it didnt matter what it was. He would find a toothbrush, and cling to it for dear life and cry if we tried ot take it away. He was so hyper exploring everything. but everything he discovered he wanted to hoard. For awhile he had a handfull of Q-tips that he would not relinquish! Dear boy. As the hours drug by, I finally just held him and sang n prayed softly as I paced the floor. (wish there was a rocker in here!)
Finaly his little head relaxed onto my shoulder. A bit longer and stuff started dropping from his hands as he lost grip. I laid him down but he slept restlessly the whole night. I think I was up every hour. Once he rolled off the bed and slept on the floor for awhile.
Tonight we gave him a sleep aid and are hoping for a better night for him, and all of us!  He went to sleep beautifully tonight and even allowed Karilee to sleep beside him.



  1. Congratulations! Let the journey begin. :-)

  2. So glad things are going well for you! (Except your sleep =)) The little story about the picture with the director brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure it was a real encouragement to you. Praying that Javonn will continue to bond and adjust to the changes in his life as your trip continues and you return back to America. Also, will pray for you all, especially Kianna, as you all adjust to the changes this brings in your lives. Love to you all, Mom

  3. Such a joy to see these pictures since we were buddies with him last month!!! Congrats to all of you!

  4. This is so precious! We are all overjoyed and excited to meet him! Austin said he is glad Javonn is hyper and funny! :) Kayla was jumping all around and when I asked why she was so happy, she replied"I am so happy for Derek's little brother." We pray for you all often and hope all goes well.Gods grace and peace be with you! We love your updates! Love, Dorcas,Luke and the family

  5. Awww, Esther, you guys are such wonderful parents. God bless you with grace during this wonderful, challenging, new season.
